Inverts the color by converting it to its complementary color.
A common use case would be for when you need to display text on a background that is unknown until runtime and you want to ensure the text is readable regardless of what color is displayed.
color (string)
: The color to invert. It can be either a string representing a hex color code (e.g., "#FFFFFF") or an array representing an RGB color (e.g., [255, 255, 255]).
options ({ bw: boolean })
: If true, returns black (#000000 or [0, 0, 0]) for light colors and white (#FFFFFF or [255, 255, 255]) for dark colors.
: The inverted color in the format which you passed the color param.
// Expected output: #FFFFFF
// Expected output: #F1FF66
invertColor([0, 0, 0]);
// Expected output: [255, 255, 255]]
invertColor([121, 52, 38]);
// Expected output: [134, 203, 217]
invertColor('#400B06', { bw: true });
// Expected output: #FFFFFF
invertColor('C1EC00', { bw: true });
// Expected output: #000000
invertColor([121, 52, 38], { bw: true });
// Expected output: [255, 255, 255]